Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So it's been a while...

What of it? Okay, so life's been very hectic! Everytime I think to get on for an update, I don't. Well, here I am, promising to be better, again!
Wyatt turns 4 months tomorrow....sheesh...where has the time gone? We put him in his bed all by his lonesome a week ago, Monday. He's doing GREAT! I give him his last bottle at 8:00, then put him down when he's done. He sleeps till around 8:00 the next morning...sometimes he's up a little bit earlier, but hardly ever is it earlier than 7:30. I can't remember a time when he woke up earlier than 7:30. Watch him make a liar out of me tomorrow!
On to Friday we had plans to go to the zoo with our friends. I arranged with Grandma to keep Wyatt so I wouldn't have to bother with him (being fed, changed, etc) and I could spend some good quality time with Tori. She was sooooo excited going to the zoo. She kept talking about the zoo and petting animals, etc, all week. So we get to Grandma's to drop off Wyatt and what does she say? "No zoo, Tori grandma's"....interpreted to mean: She doesn't want to go to the zoo with mommy, she wants to stay at Grandma's house. No, I don't think so...I woke up at 6:30 to get things packed and ready to go to the zoo and she was going whether she liked it or NOT!!!! We ended up having a great time even though it turned to be a super hot day!!
Now it's Wesley's turn...what can I say? Wesley is Wesley...Scouts and Soccer have started back up. Greg is coaching once again. They won last week 4-0 and were totally pumped. We (me and a couple other parents) totally missed the 1st goal as we were chit-chatting about something. It was me, a dad, and another mom. The dad says "Oh, we just scored" I'm all "are you sure?" He says "they're resetting the ball in the middle, that means somebody scored" again, I'm all "are you really sure?" Did I mention he's of hispanic origin and his son eats, breathes and lives soccer? His son also scored that goal we missed!!!!!! Tori insists every game on going onto the field and playing soccer too. I continue to tell her we will leave if she keeps it up. She then tells me she will sit and watch....then complains that she's not's never ending with her! Wesley is in his last year of Cub Scouts...he's in Webelos II. I think his crossing over is in January, then he'll begin Boys Scouts....WOW! He has also joined a DI team although we've gotten zip info on it as of yet...needless to say, he's swamped! Oh, forgot to mention...he's also on the 5th grade choir at Ault. Although we (he) missed practice on Tuesday...
Okay...time for pics! Click for a larger pic!
Wes and Wyatt (1 mo., Wyatt not Wesley!)

Tori at "Take you Child to Work" day

Wyatt, Wyatt, and more Wyatt...

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