Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Don't put your TRASH in the GARBAGE CAN!!!

Yes, that is what I told my son today! He was wanting to throw away his drink (the ice that was left) and went to throw it away in my brand new, $70.00 trash can. That's right folks, I paid $70.00 for a trash can. It's a really good one though! The company our neighborhood contracts with does NOT provide cans.

When we first moved in we received a huge packet from the trash collection company about what was acceptable and what wasn't. We were told we could not exceed 36 gal trash cans and we could only have 2. We could also put bags next to the cans, but it could only be 10 or something like that. Have you seen how big a 36 gallon trash can is? Not very. So, being the rule followers we are, we went out and bought our teeny, tiny cans. Well, one has a hole in it, the lids aren't attached, and they hold MAYBE 2 full bags, each. Did I mention we are one with wild critters out here?

So, after watching almost everyone else in our neighborhood pull out these nice BIG trash cans, I finally bit the bullet and headed to Home Depot this morning and purchased my $70.00, 65 gal trash can. My next door neighbors have 2 of these. I'll get another one next month! Yes, we're keeping up with the Jones and yes we gave into peer pressure...I hang my head in shame as we're such horrible, horrible people.

So, I told Wesley today he COULD NOT throw his trash away in the trash can....you would have done the same!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

4 month checkup...

Wyatt's 4 month checkup was today. He weighs 13# 8 oz. Can't remember his height but do remember the stats: 25% in weight, 90% in height...can we say Tori all over again?? YIKES!!

The big, bad, pharmaceutical company has come up with a new vaccine that combines some of them, so now instead of 4 shots, he only received 2, plus an oral. He was a champ and took it like a man! Only cried a bit afterwards. He even stopped crying in between shots! Wowza!!

Speaking of shots...if only you could have seen me. I received 2 shots at the pedi's office today right before Wyatt got his. The nurse, who was about 80 (not really) told me to get on the table...seriously?? Have you seen the tables at the pedi's office? They themselves are about 80 yrs old and super high. So here I go, hiking myself up on this table that I'm sure is going to give any minute while she preps me for my shots. The entire thing was humiliating!!! I'm 37 for crying out loud...I had no business sitting on the pediatrician's table! Anyway...I'm really, really sore now! I got my flu shot and a pertussis shot...for whooping cough or bronchitis, which is apparently making a come back.

I get to start Wyatt on cereal tomorrow...where has my baby gone????? The nurse said he is so ready for it by the way he sucked down the oral vaccine and the Tylenol that was given to him. Tori didn't do solids till 6 mo. I tried, but she wanted nothing to do with them. We'll see how tomorrow goes! I'm really excited about this milestone! I went out before I picked up Tori from school and got him some cereal and some fruit. I get to start that in a week! Oh, let the fun begin!

Anyone else watch Nancy Grace? She's been all over the missing Caylee thing. Well, today Casey Anthony was charged with murder...unbelievable...I didn't think they'd do it...they have NO evidence and no body yet. I personally think she's wacko (Casey, not Nancy Grace). If she did kill her baby girl, she needs to fry...period.

On that note, I'm off to bed!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Okay, so Greg emails me his schedule this morning. I also received another email from him about the Deloitte Dodgeball tournament today...starts at 4:00 and runs till the cows come home...so he'll be late....SERIOUSLY????

Oh, there'll be some dodgeball going on when you get home, mister, and I'm going to be the only one playing, so WATCH OUT!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So it's been a while...

What of it? Okay, so life's been very hectic! Everytime I think to get on for an update, I don't. Well, here I am, promising to be better, again!
Wyatt turns 4 months tomorrow....sheesh...where has the time gone? We put him in his bed all by his lonesome a week ago, Monday. He's doing GREAT! I give him his last bottle at 8:00, then put him down when he's done. He sleeps till around 8:00 the next morning...sometimes he's up a little bit earlier, but hardly ever is it earlier than 7:30. I can't remember a time when he woke up earlier than 7:30. Watch him make a liar out of me tomorrow!
On to Tori....so Friday we had plans to go to the zoo with our friends. I arranged with Grandma to keep Wyatt so I wouldn't have to bother with him (being fed, changed, etc) and I could spend some good quality time with Tori. She was sooooo excited going to the zoo. She kept talking about the zoo and petting animals, etc, all week. So we get to Grandma's to drop off Wyatt and what does she say? "No zoo, Tori grandma's"....interpreted to mean: She doesn't want to go to the zoo with mommy, she wants to stay at Grandma's house. No, I don't think so...I woke up at 6:30 to get things packed and ready to go to the zoo and she was going whether she liked it or NOT!!!! We ended up having a great time even though it turned to be a super hot day!!
Now it's Wesley's turn...what can I say? Wesley is Wesley...Scouts and Soccer have started back up. Greg is coaching once again. They won last week 4-0 and were totally pumped. We (me and a couple other parents) totally missed the 1st goal as we were chit-chatting about something. It was me, a dad, and another mom. The dad says "Oh, we just scored" I'm all "are you sure?" He says "they're resetting the ball in the middle, that means somebody scored" again, I'm all "are you really sure?" Did I mention he's of hispanic origin and his son eats, breathes and lives soccer? His son also scored that goal we missed!!!!!! Tori insists every game on going onto the field and playing soccer too. I continue to tell her we will leave if she keeps it up. She then tells me she will sit and watch....then complains that she's not playing...it's never ending with her! Wesley is in his last year of Cub Scouts...he's in Webelos II. I think his crossing over is in January, then he'll begin Boys Scouts....WOW! He has also joined a DI team although we've gotten zip info on it as of yet...needless to say, he's swamped! Oh, forgot to mention...he's also on the 5th grade choir at Ault. Although we (he) missed practice on Tuesday...
Okay...time for pics! Click for a larger pic!
Wes and Wyatt (1 mo., Wyatt not Wesley!)

Tori at "Take you Child to Work" day

Wyatt, Wyatt, and more Wyatt...