Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Don't put your TRASH in the GARBAGE CAN!!!
When we first moved in we received a huge packet from the trash collection company about what was acceptable and what wasn't. We were told we could not exceed 36 gal trash cans and we could only have 2. We could also put bags next to the cans, but it could only be 10 or something like that. Have you seen how big a 36 gallon trash can is? Not very. So, being the rule followers we are, we went out and bought our teeny, tiny cans. Well, one has a hole in it, the lids aren't attached, and they hold MAYBE 2 full bags, each. Did I mention we are one with wild critters out here?
So, after watching almost everyone else in our neighborhood pull out these nice BIG trash cans, I finally bit the bullet and headed to Home Depot this morning and purchased my $70.00, 65 gal trash can. My next door neighbors have 2 of these. I'll get another one next month! Yes, we're keeping up with the Jones and yes we gave into peer pressure...I hang my head in shame as we're such horrible, horrible people.
So, I told Wesley today he COULD NOT throw his trash away in the trash can....you would have done the same!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
4 month checkup...
The big, bad, pharmaceutical company has come up with a new vaccine that combines some of them, so now instead of 4 shots, he only received 2, plus an oral. He was a champ and took it like a man! Only cried a bit afterwards. He even stopped crying in between shots! Wowza!!
Speaking of shots...if only you could have seen me. I received 2 shots at the pedi's office today right before Wyatt got his. The nurse, who was about 80 (not really) told me to get on the table...seriously?? Have you seen the tables at the pedi's office? They themselves are about 80 yrs old and super high. So here I go, hiking myself up on this table that I'm sure is going to give any minute while she preps me for my shots. The entire thing was humiliating!!! I'm 37 for crying out loud...I had no business sitting on the pediatrician's table! Anyway...I'm really, really sore now! I got my flu shot and a pertussis shot...for whooping cough or bronchitis, which is apparently making a come back.
I get to start Wyatt on cereal tomorrow...where has my baby gone????? The nurse said he is so ready for it by the way he sucked down the oral vaccine and the Tylenol that was given to him. Tori didn't do solids till 6 mo. I tried, but she wanted nothing to do with them. We'll see how tomorrow goes! I'm really excited about this milestone! I went out before I picked up Tori from school and got him some cereal and some fruit. I get to start that in a week! Oh, let the fun begin!
Anyone else watch Nancy Grace? She's been all over the missing Caylee thing. Well, today Casey Anthony was charged with murder...unbelievable...I didn't think they'd do it...they have NO evidence and no body yet. I personally think she's wacko (Casey, not Nancy Grace). If she did kill her baby girl, she needs to fry...period.
On that note, I'm off to bed!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Oh, there'll be some dodgeball going on when you get home, mister, and I'm going to be the only one playing, so WATCH OUT!!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
So it's been a while...
Tori at "Take you Child to Work" day
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
An apple a day...
Tori started Ballet/Tap/Tumbling 2 weeks ago. She absolutely loves it! She doesn't ever want to take her ballet shoes off...I have to hide them from her!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
All Alone...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
And all is well...
Wesley had a friend over yesterday and he ended up spending the night. I love Wesley's friends. He has chosen wisely! They are so great to NOT exclude Tori in their activities. Now, don't get me wrong....they don't necessarily INCLUDE her, but they definitely don't exclude her. That makes my life so great! They swam a bit then played on the swingset. After dinner, they played on the swingset again. Tori was in HEAVEN!!
Wesley has been great with Wyatt...too great if you ask me! The other night he finally settled down, so I put him in his swing for a few minutes so I could have just a little of me time. I went to my office to check email and such. The swing is in the family room. Greg was upstairs getting Tori ready for bed. Next thing I hear is, "Oh, lil bubba (that's Wyatt's nickname) what are you doing here all alone? You shouldn't be alone, no..." 2 minutes later Wesley strolls in with lil bubba in his arms ready to hand him over. I was not very happy. Wyatt was fine in his swing, not fussing, just chilling out, next thing you know he's in my arms, again... He's also great at feeding Wyatt when I'm in a pinch.
As for Tori....poor little thing, that could go for Tori or Wyatt. Tori so much wants to mother Wyatt. He cries and she tries to hold him. Not a good thing...so, I have to keep an eye on her or she'll try to pick him up and carry him away...If you've seen the things that she's done with her baby dolls, you'd understand! But she loves him and doesn't protest when I have to feed him, etc. She loves to help give him a bath! I tried giving Wyatt a bath in my big tub in my room. I placed his little tub into the big tub. Next thing I know I had 2 other naked children in the bath with Wyatt!!!
So, other than the french being in town (greg/work) all is well!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Crazy, Crazy Week...
Then, on Thursday, the kids playset was delivered and installed! I haven't taken any pictures yet, but when I do I'll share them! They LOVE it! Tori wants to spend all day outside swinging and sliding! Wesley's been joining us too (that is when he's NOT talking to his cousin on the phone!). His cousin Michael is in California for the summer and they've been spending MANY hours on the phone! When it rings and it's Michael I give a big sigh of relief because that means his dad is paying for the call, not us! He'll be home in 3 wks though, one of which Wesley will be away at camp, so only a little longer of long distance calls! We don't have free long distance anymore like we did before, so it will be interesting to see what this is going to cost us.
Today we had the best buy repair man out trying to fix our refrigerator. The ice in the door is not working. He was out a few weeks ago but had to order a part. Then, the part was back ordered so he was back this morning. It was working when he left, then a few hours later, it quit working again. I called him and he came back out when he finished all his other calls, around 5:30 and fixed it again. It worked great when he left and now, it's not working anymore. I hate Best Buy...that's all I'm going to say. That and this...their Geek Squad sucks...okay, no more...breathe in, breathe out...get back to your happy place....
So, now that it's down on paper, guess it wasn't that crazy after all....OH YEAH, I forgot...we supposedly had a package delivered on Tuesday, UPS, but it wasn't. I ordered a chair for Wesley's room (we put a desk in there for him) and the tracking shows "left at front door"....ummm, no it wasn't. I know this because I continually checked my front door on Tuesday, awaiting the packages that contained Greg's birthday presents. They were actually scheduled for Wednesday, but I thought it was Tuesday, so I kept checking...anyway...nothing. It was a huge 30 lb box, so I don't think anybody took it. I think the UPS guy took it, that's what I think. I called about it on Thursday and the driver comes by sometime that evening and leaves me a note asking if I found it...yeah, I accidently misplaced a HUGE 30 lb box...right...
I would have talked to him, but we were out back playing on the swing set! That's another company that makes me leave my happy place. They delivered my Gymboree package to another Elizabeth Foster in MAGNOLIA because our address wasn't coming up on their locating system, so they assumed that EF was me...Totally different address, totally different city...yeah, that's me I just put that I lived in Cypress to give everyone a good laugh...don't mess with me and my kid's clothes, KWIM?? I spend WAY too much on my Gymbo to have it delivered to someone in Magnolia. That was the package with Wesley's Easter outfit. In it was the shirt that matched Tori's dress. We ended up getting it on time, no thanks to UPS.
So anyway, Best Buy joins UPS on my black list. Come to think of it USPS is on that list too....you don't want to hear about the fiasco that happened with my envelopes I ordered for the birth announcements I sent out.
Okay I'll tell you...I ordered some envelopes off of ebay. The gal shipped them immediately. I waited and waited, then finally decided to check on them. Well, it showed it was delivered on June 26th, a week before. So I emailed the ebay gal (who had no responsibility at this point because she had delivery confirmation on it) to ask her what type of packaging it was in...I explained it said delivered but it wasn't. So she emails me back and tells me the box dimensions, then tells me to keep her informed because she'll make sure I get my envelopes. Well, on the 3rd I called the post office and talked with my mail carrier who SWORE UP AND DOWN SHE LEFT IT ON MY DOORSTEP. Swore up and down to me...I'm like, okay well, now what, cause I don't have them. She put me on hold to talk to her supervisor...I held for 20 minutes then decided enough was enough. I emailed ebay gal back and told her what the carrier said, and get this...she tells me she's going to mail me another pack asap, and I should get it by Tuesday. Because of the holiday, she was going to mail it on Saturday. She said if the other pack shows up, just ship it back to me...how is that for an awesome ebay seller...so I go and check the mail on saturday and what's in the lock box????? My envelopes, postmarked June 26th. The SAME envelopes my mail carrier SWORE up and down she delivered personally to my doorstep...she said she remembered exactly...right...that's why they are showing up on Saturday in the lock box. So come Monday, the 2nd set of envelopes get delivered. I emailed ebay gal and told her I got them both and offered to pay for the second set...she accepted, but said not to feel obligated to buy them! How great is she. I did buy them because I know I'll use them...and she considered them a second set, so she discounted them for me!!
So, to sum up...here's my black list so far: UPS, Best Buy, USPS...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
And a Possum come A-Knockin'
If it looks like a dead possum, that's cause it is!!! And, who is responsible for the madness??
That's right, Pongo is. Our sweet, loveable, white dog.
Looks alittle guilty in this one, doesn't he??
Funny thing is, we never heard a thing! Either that or Wyatt has us so worn out we simply slept through the whole ordeal!! When I saw it, Greg was walking by and I asked him if he'd seen it. He said yeah, he had. I then asked him if he (Greg) thought he (possum) was playing dead!!! Yeah, no... So Greg, being the man of house, takes care of the nasty situation...he throws the dead possum over the fence. We deal with lots of "nasty situations" this way! Later in the day, we're greeted by these on our fence:
Okay, so what you don't see are the other 10 or so on the trees behind the fence. Also, at any given time there were up to 4 or 5 on the fence post! I suppose they were taking turns enjoyung their meal!!
This is not the 1st creature Pongo has killed...we can add rats to the list as well...better dead outside then snuggling with you inside. Did I mention my neighbor woke up with a mouse on her chest? Good times, good times!!
Lastly, if you've never read Possum come A-Knockin by Nancy Van Laan, you should...it's a great read! You cajun's will especially love it!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy 4th!
Getting back to our 4th of July day...Wyatt slept till 4:45. Then, at 7:30, the phone rings...yes, the phone. Everyone was still asleep, including Tori who usually wakes up around 6:45. I check out the caller id and it's the Yard Depot. Greg called them yesterday to get and estimate on delivering mulch. Now, he didn't leave a message or anything asking them to call us back. They must have checked their caller id and decided to call us back, AT 7:30 IN THE MORNING. After his chat with them, Greg then tells me we better get up. I look at him and ask "why??"...remember everyone in my house is still asleep. He then reminds me we have the 4th of July parade this morning. Wesley is riding in the parade with his Cub Scout troop and we'll be watching from Kim and Mike's house as they are in the path of the parade! After his reminder I respond with a lovely "CRAP-O-LA" and my day begins.
We rush, rush, rush, to make sure everyone is dressed and ready...Wesley in his Scout uniform, and the other 2 in their 4th outfits. We drop Wesley off and head over to Mike and Kim's place. I fed Wyatt while we waited. Tori played with the cats inside for a bit and went potty. Daddy wasn't good enough to take her though and Aunt Kim had the honor of taking her!! We did bring Tori breakfast, but in all the excitement, never gave it to her! She didn't complain though.
The rest of our day was spent lazily around the house putting together a cabinet for my office. I did the 1st part and Greg did the second. It's not perfect (according to G) but I think it looks great and it's just what I need. Did I mention we've had this cabinet since around Feb/March? Anyway, it only came with 3 shelves, so I'm going to have to get some cut and get some clips to hold them.
Around 8:00, Mike and Kim came over. Mike swam a bit with the kids and Greg then we headed outside for the fireworks. We had ours and they bought some also. At first Tori was scared and wanted to go in, but I was feeding Wyatt (are you seeing a pattern to my life????) and Greg was helping light, so she eventually got over it and did great! At one point she wanted to light some of her own but no, not gonna happen....I did get word this morning that she did do a sparkler last night AFTER I went in with Wyatt. Kim had asked me at one point if she could do one and I (being the responsible parent I am) said NO, she's too young. When Greg told me this morning she did one, I just let it go...what's the point in saying how dangerous it was, if something went wrong she could be scarred for life, literally. I mean what's done is done and I can't change it now, can I??
Below are the pics of this morning and my precious kids in their 4th garb (is that a word?) You'll also get a glimpse of Greg's patriotic, 4th shoes (according to him) that he INSISTED I take as I was taking pics of the kids. I think he was just making fun of me for taking so many pics of the kids. Again, I'll just let it go....
Here's a hint, click on the pic to see it bigger!!
Can you find Wesley?
Check out the bling bling!
What a cutie!
Our Scout!!
Get down Tori!
The SHOES...now seriously, they aren't even red, white, and blue!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Greg was off today as the firm gives the 3rd and 4th as a holiday. He had a list of things he wanted to get accomplished today...all of which pertained to the outside. I told him I wanted to go to Babies R Us to look for a few things and I'd take Tori and Wyatt with me. He asked me several times about my decision in taking them both. I think he didn't think I could handle them both. Now, before you send him nasty emails, he never actually said that to me, he just implied it! Anyway, Tori comes down stairs dressed in stained clothes that are a little snug on her. Daddy dressed her. He says nobody will notice. I then proceeded to say that he must not have gotten my telepathic message that I wanted to get pictures made while we were at Babies R Us. He said, no, he didn't. Up we went to get Tori changed.
Speaking of Tori, did I mention she's potty training? More on that later!
Here are the pics we took at Babies r Us. Greg asked me why I didn't get any pics of Tori and Wyatt together...Do you know the obvious answer? Because Wesley wasn't with us. I didn't want to hurt his feelings by getting pics of the other 2 together with out him. I later asked him if it would have actually hurt his feelings and he said yes, it would. Good call on my part!
These pictures do have a purpose...it's Tori's 3 yr pics and Wyatt's semi-newborn pics!ENJOY!!